10 Most Important Things We Should Do in Our Life

Daniyal Siddiqui
7 min readJan 12, 2022

What are the most important things we should do in our life? Do we even know? If you ask most people, they’ll probably say be happy or be successful. But what does that really mean? And how can we achieve it? It all starts with self-awareness and mental health, which will help you to cultivate healthy habits, make good decisions, and get the most out of every day. Check out these 10 ways to help you find your purpose and take advantage of every opportunity life has to offer.

Eat well:
Good mental health starts with good physical health. Make sure you’re eating well, staying active, and getting enough sleep to keep your mind sharp. Practice self-awareness : Are you feeling stressed? Is something making you upset? It can be very difficult to recognize signs of depression or anxiety in yourself — but if you practice self-awareness, it will become easier over time. Talk about what’s bothering you: Sometimes we all need someone else to vent to (sometimes more than once). In tough times, reach out to family and friends who are good listeners. And remember that there is no shame in seeking help from a professional. Don’t sweat small stuff: When things go wrong, don’t dwell on them for too long. Overthinking only makes us feel worse. Instead, distract yourself by spending time with loved ones or doing an activity you enjoy. Try not to let one bad day turn into two bad days — it really does get better. Find ways to forgive yourself: If you feel like you’ve made a mistake in life, accept it and move on without beating yourself up over it.

Exercise daily:
Exercise is more than just about physical health. It also does wonders for our mental health and self-awareness. The endorphins released when we exercise create a natural high that makes us happier and healthier overall. Studies show regular workouts can boost mood, sharpen focus, reduce anxiety, and make it easier to cope with stress. Regular exercise can help you sleep better too, which boosts memory and brainpower — especially as you age. Plus, the more physically fit you are, the less likely you are to develop chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. You don’t have to be an athlete to see results either. In fact, simply walking briskly 30 minutes per day has been shown to improve longevity. Whether you find solace on a treadmill or outside in nature, taking time each day to move your body will make you happier, calmer, and smarter.

Spend time with family:
If you haven’t been spending time with your family, now is a good time to start. After all, you can never know too much about yourself if you don’t know what your friends and family think of you. In addition, spending time with loved ones could be healthy for your mental health as well. So make sure to invite them over for dinner or just set aside some time for hanging out on a regular basis. It will do wonders for your self-awareness. Self-Awareness: Now that you have a better idea of who you are, it’s time to spend more time thinking about who you want to become. Which goals would you like to accomplish? What kind of person would you like to be? Paying attention to where you are today should help inform where you’d like to go from here. If you’re trying to improve your self-awareness, there are plenty of ways to do so. Try journaling, meditation or keeping a food journal.

Pursue what you love
The most important thing we can do is to realize our own self-awareness. If you don’t like what you’re doing, make a change. The sooner you have self-awareness, and act on it, the better off your life will be. Not only will you enjoy your career more, but it may even increase your lifespan — the benefits of happiness (and pursuing what makes us happy) are clear. So next time you consider reaching for that bag of chips or skipping yoga class because you just don’t feel like it, think again. What you might be sacrificing isn’t worth it.

Stay motivated
Be aware of your emotions, and stay motivated by visualizing your goals. If you feel like giving up, think about why you started in the first place. Remember that someday soon you’ll be looking back on a job well done. And if you ever start to feel unmotivated, read some quotes from famous people who have had similar thoughts. It can give you a little kick-start (pun intended). Here are ten self awareness quotes: 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 & 9. It’s important to keep yourself in check. Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste! The only person keeping you from what you want is yourself. Hold yourself accountable for your actions — if you slip off track, don’t beat yourself up; instead make plans to get back on track. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem! You’re never too far away from achieving whatever it is you want. So dream big, believe in yourself, hold yourself accountable and most importantly…stay motivated!!

Write down your goals
Self-awareness is crucial to accomplishing goals. It helps you know when you’re taking a step in the right direction and when you’re veering off track. There are 10 important questions that can help you improve your life and set yourself up for success: What is your purpose? Why do you exist? What’s most important to you? Where are you headed? Who do you want to be? What inspires and motivates you? When have you felt happiest and proudest of yourself? How do you define greatness? How will people remember you? What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind after your time on earth is over? Once you answer these questions, think about how each one applies to your current situation and what steps you could take toward achieving it. Consider where, who, or what needs improvement and how you could fix it. And don’t forget to write down what comes to mind — you never know when inspiration might strike! If something isn’t sitting well with you or making sense, keep thinking about it until things start falling into place. The more confident you feel in why you’re doing something and what your end goal is, the more likely you are to achieve it. While having short-term goals (e.g., winning an award) can be helpful on their own, they won’t give you long-term fulfillment if they aren’t attached to a greater meaning.

Stay organized
Being organized helps you be self-aware. You can’t see your life clearly if your home is a mess or you don’t have enough time to get things done. If your place of work is disorganized, then it makes sense that your self-awareness would suffer as well. Whether at home or at work, being orderly and being self-aware go hand in hand. They’re two sides of the same coin. So before you do anything else in your life, take care of yourself by staying organized. Your future self will thank you for it.

Laugh everyday
Laughing, even when you don’t want to, is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. Laughing boosts immune system function, increases endorphins and decreases cortisol levels — all while making us happier people. If you’re not in a laughing mood on any given day, force yourself to chuckle as much as possible. Try watching a funny YouTube video or spending time with a close friend who always has a good sense of humor. You should try to laugh at least once per day! It’s just that important. And Self-awareness: Being self-aware allows us to recognize both our strengths and weaknesses so we can work on improving ourselves. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t very self-aware and aren’t completely aware of how others perceive us.

Surround yourself with positive people:
If you’re serious about self-improvement, it’s important to surround yourself with people who support your cause. That includes family and friends — but it also includes coworkers and anyone else you interact with on a regular basis. These relationships can serve as a powerful reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing — and that you have allies in your fight for a better life. Nothing feels quite like that rush we get when we accomplish something huge in our lives. Whether it’s passing an exam or walking into a new job, those moments define us; they help us identify how much more potential we have within ourselves. But reaching those milestones doesn’t always happen so seamlessly — our brains are hardwired to prioritize short-term gains over long-term success — so sometimes getting from point A to point B can be difficult.

Get a pet, it’ll change your life forever:
Pets enrich our lives and help to keep us happy, healthy, and living with purpose. So what are you waiting for? Go out right now and buy a dog!…just kidding (sort of). If you’re thinking about getting a pet or have been thinking about getting one, remember to take all factors into consideration. Is your lifestyle conducive to taking care of an animal? Remember that just because your parents let you have a goldfish when you were younger doesn’t mean it’s time for you to rush out and get a pet python — figuratively speaking, obviously. And while most pets make amazing companions, they also require tons of work on your part. Plus, there are some animals you simply can’t keep as pets at home. But if you do your research, get a puppy from a reliable breeder or rescue centre, plan ahead, and can commit to making sure your pet stays alive and well-cared for throughout its life (and after), then buying a pet is definitely something worth considering.



Daniyal Siddiqui

we are here to add what we can t life, not to get what we can from life.